My body is not perfect. My weight can fluctuate 10lbs up and down easily. I go through periods where I weigh more and my pants are too tight, and times where I look underweight and my clothes are too big. I have always had deep rooted issues with my body and my weight. It is something that I have been working on for years– accepting my body for what it is. As I get older I am starting to love my body more, but there is still some switching of the mindset that I have to do. I grew up dancing looking in the mirror all day, critiquing my body and movements. It’s hard to pull away from that mentality that has been embedded in me for my entire life. I started my fitness journey years ago to keep my weight down. It is still a goal of mine today, to maintain or lose weight. With that being said I am trying to accept my body for when I do gain a little weight. If I am working out and I start to criticize what I see in the mirror, I try to change my mindset into look what I can do. Look how amazing my body is that I can do this. It’s appreciating what my body can do instead of what it looks like. There will be a time in my life when I can no longer kick my leg up high or lift 20lbs or sprint at 9mph. So I need to appreciate what I can do now when I can do it. Losing and/or maintaining weight will always be a part of my fitness goals. I would be lying if I said I don’t have days where I see a picture of myself that is unflattering and want to cry, or I feel/ know I have gained weight and I am down on myself. Losing weight will sometimes be the main goal of mine, and other times it will be on the back burner. My weight will be an everyday challenge for me but as long as I love and appreciate my body, or at least try to, it’s a goal I will always reach.
Taking care of my body is another continual goal of mine. I know you may think it’s strange that a fitness goal is to, well, not workout. But for me, it’s important to take care of my body. Look, I am no longer a spring chicken. I have aches and pains and muscle tears, I have back problems, knee aches, a slight shoulder and thigh tear, and chronic plantar fasciitis. It’s no walk in the park for me sometimes.
In College I would get monthly massages to help with the knots in my back. After that I wasn’t really taking care of myself. I now foam roll everyday, go to yoga to stretch, go to the chiropractor and get a massage when I can. Anything to keep my body from falling apart. As much as I workout I have to have self care. Over the weekend, while I was at Dancebody, I noticed that my body was exhausted. I had trouble keeping the weights and the band up, and I had no energy to jump around. In truth, I should have not been there. I looked at my calendar to see if I was due for a rest day and realized I was WAY overdue. I had worked out for 13 straight days. This is not good. Although it was an honest mistake, I was very disappointed in myself for not taking better care of my body. I didn’t intend to workout for that many days in a row, but it happened. My body needed the rest. It needs rest. As a goal of mine, I want to take care of myself. Accepting that I may need to take a few days off of working out and that someday I need to not push myself so hard. My number one fitness goal is to take care of my body, otherwise, I won’t be able to do any of the workouts that I love.
Speaking of workouts. My one, non-body/self-care goal is to get back into HIIT workouts. Lately, all of my workouts have been tailored around dance cardio, yoga, running, and sculpting. I want to get back into HIIT workouts to challenge myself. When I lived in Columbus I used to go HIIT workouts all of the time and I was in great shape. I think my body is hitting a plateau with my current regime and I need more intensity. I have yet to find a workout that I truly love (Orange Theory I really like but it’s not on ClassPass and Barry’s is great but the credits are way too high for just one class #fitnessproblems). I will hopefully be trying Fithouse’s HIIT class soon and will see if it is something that I want to frequent. It’s good to challenge your body when you can. Although I love dance cardio and sculpt classes, and could do them all day every day, there is something refreshing and rejuvenating about a challenge. Something that I know I will be the weakest link. Something I can aspire to conquer. A workout so rewarding, it starts out impossible and then begins to feel doable. I haven’t done a HIIT class in a while and it is something I am very nervous about trying again. Whether or not I have the stamina and the strength to do it. But I guess I will never know until I try.
To achieve my fitness goals one must look good. A dear friend of mine Christina, from my days in the New York Junior League, has started a new fitness line called Soulgani. It started on a hiking trip to Lares Trail in Peru where Christina got the idea to start a fitness brand. She saw the beauty of nature and thought how cool it would be to put a similar design on yoga pants. And that is how Soulgani was created. Soulgani means abundance of soul. Christina was sweet enough to send me a pair of leggings (the Lake Eyre of Australia) and I have to say they are amazing; High-waist compression and the fabric is moveable and comfortable ( made in the USA). I wear my leggings all of the time to workouts. Soulgani partnered with a female astronaut Nicole Stott, who took a picture of Lake Eyre from space and turned it into the print that’s on my leggings. The main reason I wanted to share Soulgani with you is because as a company they give back. They work with different charities, making a difference. Part of the proceeds to each purchase goes to a charity. Buy a cool pair of leggings, help with NYC Food Bank or the Space for Art Foundation.
I love the idea of a company giving back to the community and helping others, and that I did a small part in helping.
Original post by Maggie at www.